His career
Technical Director and then General Secretary of the Conseil Supérieur de l’Ordre des experts comptables (1975-1982).
Development Director at KPMG Fiduciaire de France in 1982, then Managing Partner of Salustro-Reydel in 1986, Dominique Ledouble set up CDL in 1993, he set up CDL, a company specialising in financial expertise. CDL became Ledouble in 2008.
His contribution to the firm
Dominique Ledouble assists with assessment and dispute resolution assignments.
It carries out the main reports issued by the firm.
His other professional activities
Founder and Honorary Chairman of the FFEE (French Federation of Valuation Experts)
Founder and Honorary Chairman of APEI (Association Professionnelle des Experts Experts)
Honorary Chairman of the Ordre des Experts Comptables (1998-2002)