Cretté Olivier

His career began in Germany at the French embassy.

On his return to France, he continued his career with Salustro-Reydel (now KPMG), where he worked on statutory audits and acquisition acquisition audits, and gained experience in the retail, food and industrial sectors, agri-food and industrial sectors; he then specialised in business valuations He then specialised in business valuation, contribution and merger audits and arbitration.

His career took a new direction when he joined Ledouble, where he as a partner in the independent valuation business.

Its specialities

Independent expertise

Business valuation

The statutory auditor and merger

Research Research into IFRS, corporate governance and corporate social responsibility Responsibility

Related activities

Member of APEI (Professional Association of Independent Experts)

Member of the SFEV (French Society of Valuers)

Member of the Commission des Normes Professionnelles at the CNCC (Compagnie Nationale des Commissaires aux Comptes)

Member of the DFCG (National Association of Financial and Management Control Directors)

Membre de la société :
Téléphone : +33 (0)1 43 12 57 16‬
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