Olivier Péronnet assists clients with mergers and acquisitions, independent valuations, business plans and company valuations.
He also acts as an expert or financial advisor in litigation and loss quantification (legal, arbitration, liability guarantees, operating losses, etc.), as well as in corporate finance and business valuation.
His areas of expertise include statutory audit, contractual audit and merger and contribution audit.
Previously, he held the position of Project Director (audit, statutory audit, organisation) at Arthur Andersen, before becoming a partner at FCC Audit & Conseil and then Chairman of Finexsi.
He is an active member of the Association Professionnelle des Experts Indépendants (APEI), and participates in its working groups.
He is a member of the Compagnie des Conseils et Experts Financiers (CCEF), for which he helped design the training course on loss assessment, which he co-leads.
He is also a member of the Société Française des Evaluateurs (SFEV) and the Valuation Commission of the Compagnie Nationale des Commissaires aux Comptes (CNCC).
He is a member of the Standard Review Board of the International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC).
He is Chairman of the Compagnie Nationale des Experts Comptables de Justice (CNECJ), and Chairman of the Compagnie Nationale des Experts Comptables de Justice (CNECJ Section Paris Versailles).
He is a member of the Compagnie Nationale des Experts Judiciaires en Finance et Diagnostic (CNEJFD).
He is an expert for the Club des Juristes.
Lastly, he is an external lecturer in continuing education for magistrates at the Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature (ENM).
Main tasks
Independent valuation assignments
- Numerous assignments as an independent expert (e.g. in takeover bids and public offers): Groupe Flo, Alstom, Latécoère, Christian Dior, Fimalac, Banque Fédérative du Crédit Mutuel/CIC, Futuren/EDF, Christian Dior/Arnault family group, Eurodisney/The Walt Disney Company, Areva, Ausy, Total/Saft, Solocal, Grand Marnier, GFI Informatique, Générale de Santé, Steria/Sopra, Ciments Français, Hologram, Se Loger.com, Léon de Bruxelles Group, Lucien Barrière Group, Sema Group, Valtech, Theolia, Gascogne, Monoprix…
Legal and arbitration expertise
- Experience before various courts: appointed by Commercial Courts, District Courts and Appeal Courts as a certified public accountant. Numerous expert appraisals carried out at the request of a court from 2001 to 2016 (63).
- Expert appointed by several arbitration tribunals: assessment of damages in the event of breach of contract, price adjustments in the context of acquisitions, liability guarantees, etc.
Assistance or advice in the event of disputes
- Expert witness in :
- (confidential) arbitrations before the International Chamber of Commerce since 2000; testimony on the financial aspects of these arbitrations, cross-examination, etc.
- legal proceedings: Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan Chase, BPCE, BNP Paribas, Natixis, Société Générale, Crédit Lyonnais, CIC (Moulinex case), Eramet, HSBC, Royal Bank of Scotland, Dexia, EADS, Veolia, Canal+, Rio Tinto, Cargill, etc.
- Mediation and arbitration :
- Mediator in national and international disputes
- CMAP arbitration (2012)
- Arbitrator in an international arbitration between a French group and an American group (ICC) (2011)
- Ad hoc arbitrator (2013 and 2016/2017)
Assignments as contributions and merger auditor, appointed mainly by the Paris and Nanterre Commercial Courts:
- BNP/Paribas, BNPPBNL, BNPP/Fortis, Vinci/Cegelec, Schneider/Invensys, LVMH/Bulgarie, Publicis/Omnicom, Maurel & Prom, Airbus/Safran, groupe FNAC, Technip/FMC, Alstom, Unibail/Rodamco, SA Icade/SA ANF Immobilier, Manoir Aérospace/Forges de Bologne, SA Alstom, SA Total, Sadir Argan, BNP Paribas España, La Banque Postale…
Financial advisory services in connection with company acquisitions and disposals:
- Regular involvement in divestiture and acquisition processes, both upstream as part of investigations prior to the completion of such transactions and downstream as part of the implementation of price adjustment clauses or asset and liability guarantees for several investment funds or industrial groups.
- Representation before the European Commission in connection with the sale by Carrefour of its stake in the GMB Cora group following the merger with Promodès in 2001.
- Represented the French Competition Authority in the Tereos/Quartier Français/Mascarin, La Martiniquaise, Casino-Monoprix, Antargaz/UGI France, FNAC/Darty and Axereal transactions.
Statutory auditors
- Neopost listed on the1st Euronext market, Linedata listed on the Nouveau Marché, Osiatis listed on the Nouveau Marché, Agrogeneration listed on Alternext, eFront, TDF, Servier group.